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- UT h e Z o o I s s u e
- UT h r e e : S o d d e n
- B
- BPanda welcome you to the third issue of The Zoo. The Zoo is PD and can be
- Bfreely distributed, so long as nothing is added or removed from this two disk
- Bset. PD houses should charge no more than £3.OO for the mag.
- B
- BIf you are easily offended then load something else. The Zoo will print
- Banything sent to us, so long as it passes our minimum quality control, but if
- Byou don't like something don't complain - respond with an article.
- UTake It Away...
- B
- SOO1: Editorial|Editorial3.Zoo|Jude/Panda :OO1
- SOO2: Contributing To The Zoo|Contribute.ZOO|Melee & Jude :OO2
- SOO3: How To Advertise In The Zoo|Advertise.ZOO|Jude/Panda :OO3
- SOO4: Disclaimer|Disclaimer.ZOO|Jude/Panda :OO4
- SOO5: Become A Panda Member|PandaMember.Zoo|Melee & Jude :OO5
- UBamboo Shoots
- B
- SOO6: Baptizing Issue 3|BapZoo.Zoo|Melee & Jude :OO6
- SOO7: What's Been Happening To Us?|WhatsBeen.ZOO|Jude/Panda :OO7
- SOO8: Proof Reading?|Proof.Zoo|Jude/Panda :OO8
- SOO9: Match The Quotes Game|Quotes.ZOO|Jude/Panda :OO9
- B
- UToken Computer Section
- B
- SO1O: Panda News|PandaNews3.Zoo|Melee & Jude :O1O
- SO11: Kill CU Amiga|KillCu.Zoo|FishBoy/Panda :O11
- SO12: 12a Reasons Why The Zoo Is Superior To Amiga Format|Superior.Zoo|MoonDog :O12
- SO13: An Irreverant Sideways Glance At The Shop Shelves|Shopshlf.Zoo|FishBoy/Panda :O13
- SO14: Things That Frighten|Frighten.Zoo|FishBoy/Panda :O14
- SO15: Why I'm Leaving The Scene|Leaving.Zoo|Persil :O15
- SO16: daeD sI agimA ehT|Format.zoo|FishBoy/Panda :O16
- SO17: Review Of Octamed Soundstudio|Octamed.zoo|FishBoy/Panda :O17
- UI Like To Watch
- B
- SO18: Cyber Cafe|Cyber.zoo|Jude/Panda :O18
- SO19: Star Trek Is Shit: Here Is The Proof|Startrek.zoo|FishBoy/Panda :O19
- SO2O: BBC Entertainment - Comedy Writing|comedy.Zoo|BBC Web Site :O2O
- SO21: Kids TV - A Sinister Plot|KidsTv.zoo|Jude/Panda :O21
- SO22: Projectionist's Pick|projectpick.zoo|Various :O22
- SO23: Richard Whiteley: Witness The Man|witness.zoo|Fans Of Richard Whiteley :O23
- SO24: Carol Vorderman: Part Of A Great Team|vorderman.zoo|Fans Of Richard Whiteley :O24
- SO25: What's Been Happening In The Soaps III|soaps3.zoo|Uncle Jack & Jude :O25
- B
- UPlay It Again Stan
- B
- SO26: Reading 96|Reading.zoo|FishBoy/Panda :O26
- SO27: The Beatles - The Peter Sellers Tape|beatleg.zoo|Beatleg Project :O27
- SO28: Back With Another Of Those Coffee Table Rocking Beats|beatsuck.zoo|FishBoy/Panda :O28
- SO29: Brit Pop|britpop.zoo|FishBoy/Panda :O29
- UEncore Stan!
- B
- SO3O: "Mind The Cheese"|cheese.zoo|Mr. Kevin/Panda :O3O
- SO31: Blowin' In The Wind Chords|Blowininthewind.zoo|Dylan :O31
- SO32: Records I Bought|records.zoo|FishBoy/Panda :O32
- SO33: The Beatles: On And On|onandon.zoo|Allison Adato & Robert Sullivan :O33
- B
- UThe Funny Bunker
- B
- SO34: The News Of The Future|news.zoo|FishBoy/Panda :O34
- SO35: In Pale Parts 1 and 2|Inpale1+2.zoo|Jude/Panda :O35
- SO36: In Pale Part 3|inpale3.zoo|Jude/Panda :O36
- SO37: An Interview With FishBoy|interview.zoo|FishBoy/Panda :O37
- SO38: How To Be A (Digitally Remastered) Sky Cheat|skyremast.zoo|Uncle Jack/Panda :O38
- SO39: Reality Sucks|realsuck.zoo|FishBoy/Panda :O39
- SO4O: Visitor From Space? Take 2|visitorv2.zoo|Jude/Panda :O4O
- SO41: Penguins Comic Strips|AndyPengs.ZOO|Andrew Hargreaves :O41
- UFiction Burns
- B
- SO42: Surface Radiation|surface.zoo|Jude/Panda :O42
- SO43: The Adventure Of The Norwood Builder Part I|holmesnorwood1.zoo|Arthur Conan Doyle :O43
- SO44: The Adventure Of The Norwood Builder Part II|holmesnorwood2.zoo|Arthur Conan Doyle :O44
- SO45: The Adventure Of The Norwood Builder Part III|holmesnorwood3.zoo|Arthur Conan Doyle :O45
- SO46: The Adventure Of The Norwood Builder Part IV|holmesnorwood4.zoo|Arthur Conan Doyle :O46
- SO47: The Adventure Of The Norwood Builder Part V|holmesnorwood5.zoo|Arthur Conan Doyle :O47
- SO48: The Horror At Oakshaw Farm|horror.zoo|FishBoy/Panda :O48
- SO49: Polly Get's Her Punishment|polly.zoo|MoonDog :O49
- B
- UPoetry, Prose And Verse
- B
- SO5O: The Holiday|holiday.zoo|Andrew Hargreaves :O5O
- SO51: So|so.zoo|Jude/Panda :O51
- SO52: Periods|periods.zoo|Jude/Panda :O52
- SO53: A Pauper's Song|pauper.zoo|Rigby & Triplejack :O53
- SO54: Stupid Metaphor For A Womb|poetry.zoo|FishBoy/Panda :O54
- SO55: Short Verse For The Populous|verse.zoo|Jude/Panda :O55
- UWorld 'O' Strange
- B
- SO56: Bizarre Medical Conditions Volume 1|bizarre.zoo|FishBoy/Panda :O56
- SO57: Amazing, Yes, But True!|amazingtruths.zoo|Jude/Panda :O57
- SO58: Something I Would Like To Share|parrot.zoo|FishBoy/Panda :O58
- B
- UThe Wanderer
- U(Wizard Man Not Included)
- B
- SO59: I Met Catwomen I Tell Ya!|catwoman.zoo|Drew Feelgood :O59
- SO6O: Man Buried Alive Part III|buried3.zoo|Hank Christler :O6O
- SO61: Conversation On The Wanderer|Convwand.zoo|Alan & Captain Flakey :O61
- UOpinion
- B
- SO62: Britain, Its Not As Bad As America But Its Close|patriots.zoo|FishBoy/Panda :O62
- SO63: Simple Reactions To A Simple World|reactions.zoo|Jude/Panda :O63
- SO64: Kinder Surprise: Lacking In Insperation|kinder.zoo|FishBoy/Panda :O64
- SO65: The First Time I Bought Loaded|loaded.zoo|Uncle Jack :O65
- SO66: Reply To "The First Time I Bought Loaded"|loadedreply.zoo|Alchemy :O66
- B
- UMen In White Coats
- B
- SO67: Thought Police|thoughtpolice.zoo|Jude/Panda :O67
- SO68: Stuart Macconie Must Die!|maconnie.zoo|FishBoy/Panda :O68
- SO69: My Perfect Woman|perfect.zoo|Uncle Jack/Panda :O69
- SO7O: Pip's Lighter Side Of Life|piplighter1.zoo|Pip E. :O7O
- SO71: Pip's Lighter Side Of Life 2|piplighter2.zoo|Pip E. :O71
- SO72: Pip's All New Side|pipside.zoo|Pip E. :O72
- SO73: Pip E.asy|pipeasy.zoo|Pip E. :O73
- SO74: Top Shelf Shenanikins|shelf.zoo|Uncle Jack/Panda :O74
- SO75: Birds Down The Pub|birds.zoo|Uncle Jack/Panda :O75
- UBroaden Your Mind
- B
- SO76: Confessions|confessions.zoo|Uncle Jack/Panda :O76
- SO77: The Hideous Truth Of A Kleptomaniac|klepto.zoo|Alchemy :O77
- SO78: The Eternal Pain Of Ronald MacDonald's Greatest Enemy|hamburg.zoo|FishBoy/Panda :O78
- SO79: How To Be A Bigamist|howtobigamist.zoo|MoonDog :O79
- SO8O: Know Your Other Animals|otheranimals.zoo|Jude/Panda :O8O
- SO81: Not Many People Know This|notmany.zoo|Melee/Panda :O81
- SO82: Sleeping With...|sleeping.zoo|Jude Panda :O82
- B
- ULeftovers
- B
- SO83: Things I Said/Thought When I Was Very Young|whnyoung.zoo|FishBoy/Panda :O83
- SO84: Where's Aidan's Speckled Ball?|aidan.zoo|Jude/Panda :O84
- SO85: How To Be A Dole Cheat In 5 Easy Steps|dole.zoo|Uncle Jack/Panda :O85
- SO86: Reviews Of My GCSE English Teachers|english.zoo|FishBoy/Panda :O86
- B
- B
- SO87: Ta ta|tata.zoo|Jude/Panda :O87
- B
- CEdited ............. Jude
- CCode .............. Melee
- CMusic courtesy of FishBoy
- B
- CA Panda Release © MCMXCVII
- U
- U*
- B
- UIssue 4 will be out
- Uaround August 1997.